Company corporation that signed a letter of intent with a Trump Organization subsidiary to develop a Trump Moscow property. Internet Research Russian entity based in Saint Agency (IRA) Petersburg and funded by Concord that engaged in an “active measures” social media campaign to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. KLS Research LLC Business established by an associate of and at the direction of Peter Smith to further Smith’s search for Hillary Clinton emails. Kremlin Official residence of the president of the Russian Federation; it is used colloquially to refer to the office of the president or the Russian government. LetterOne Company that includes Petr Aven and Richard Burt as board members. During a board meeting in December 2016, Aven asked for Burt’s help to make contact with the Presidential Transition Team. Link Campus University in Rome, Italy, where University George Papadopoulos was introduced to Joseph Mifsud.

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