presidential campaign period. Democratic Political committee working to elect Congressional Democrats to the House of Campaign Committee Representatives; hacked by the GRU in April 2016. Democratic National Formal governing body for the Committee Democratic Party; hacked by the GRU in April 2016. Duma Lower House of the national legislature of the Russian Federation. Gazprom Russian oil and gas company majority-owned by the Russian government. Global Energy Capital, Investment and management firm LLC founded by Carter Page. Global Partners in Event hosted in partnership with the Diplomacy U.S. Department of State and the Republican National Convention. In 2016, Jeff Sessions and J .D. Gordon delivered speeches at the event and interacted with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Guccifer 2.0 Fictitious online persona operated by the GRU that released stolen documents during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign period. I.C. Expert Investment Russian real-estate and development

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