London Centre of International law advisory International Law organization in London that employed Practice (LCILP) Joseph Mifsud and George Papadopoulos. Main Intelligence Russian Federation’s military Directorate of the intelligence agency. General Staff (GRU) New Economic School Moscow-based school that invited in Moscow (NES) Carter Page to speak at its July 2016 commencement ceremony. Opposition Bloc Ukrainian political party that incorporated members of the defunct Party of Regions. Party of Regions Ukrainian political party of former President Yanukovych. It was generally understood to align with Russian policies. Pericles Emerging Company registered in the Cayman Market Partners LLP Islands by Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Davis. Oleg Deripaska invested in the fund. Prevezon Holdings Ltd. Russian company that was a defendant in a U.S. civil action alleging the laundering of proceeds from fraud exposed by Sergei Magnitsky. Roscongress Russian entity that organized the St. Foundation Petersburg International Economic

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