White House Fires James Comey
Restoring Public Confidence in the Federal Bureau of Investigation
THE WHITE I rOUSE \\'ASIIINGTON May 9, 2017 Dear Director Comey: 1 have received the attached letters fr th om the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General of e United States recommending your dismissal as the Director of the Federa l Investigation. 1 Bureau of removed have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminat ed and ti:om office, effective immediately. While I greatly appreciate you intormin g me, on thre e separate occasi ons. that 1 investigation, I am not under n evertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of not able to effective Justice that you arc ly lead the Bureau. It i s essential that we find new leader sh ip f or its vital law enforce m the FBI that restores public trust nnd con1iclence in ent mission. 1 wish you the best of luck in your future endeavor s.