761 SC_RRP000033 (Porter 12/6/17 Notes); Porter 4/13/18 302, at 6. 762 Porter 4/13/18 302, at 6-7. 763 Michael S. Schmidt & Michael D. Shear, Trump Says Russia Inquiry Makes U.S. “Look Very Bad”, New York Times (Dec. 28, 2017). 764 Michael S. Schmidt & Michael D. Shear, Trump Says Russia Inquiry Makes U.S. “Look Very Bad”, New York Times (Dec. 28, 2017). 765 Porter 4/13/18 302, at 14. 766 Porter 5/8/18 302, at 15. Contemporaneous notes Porter took of the conversation state, “Roy Cohn (14-0) / Jay Goldberg (12-0).” SC_RRP000047 (Potter 1/27/18 Notes). 767 Porter 5/8/18 302, at 15-16. 768 See, e.g., @realDonaldTrump 2/28/18 (9:34 a.m. ET) Tweet (“Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the Inspector General to investigate potentially massive FISA abuse. Will take forever, has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey etc. Isn’t the I.G. an Obama guy? Why not use Justice Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!”); @realDonaldTrump 4/7/18 (4:52 p.m. ET) Tweet (“Lawmakers of the House Judiciary Committee are angrily accusing the Department of Justice of missing the Thursday Deadline for turning over UNREDACTED Documents relating to FISA abuse, FBI, Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Clinton Emails and much more. Slow walking – what is going on? BAD!”); @realDonaldTrump 4/22/18 (8:22 a.m. ET) Tweet (“‘GOP Lawmakers asking Sessions to Investigate Comey and Hillary Clinton.’ @FoxNews Good luck with that request!”); @realDonaldTrump 12/16/18 (3:37 p.m. ET) Tweet (“Jeff Sessions should be ashamed of himself for allowing this total HOAX to get started in the first place!”). 769 @realDonaldTrump 6/5/18 (7:31 a.m. ET) Tweet. 770 @realDonaldTrump 8/1/18 (9:24 a.m. ET) Tweet. 771 Fox & Friends Interview of President Trump, Fox News (Aug. 23, 2018). 772 Fox & Friends Interview of President Trump, Fox News (Aug. 23, 2018). 773 Sessions 8/23/18 Press Statement. 774 @real Donald Trump 8/24/18 (6:17 a.m. ET) Tweet;@ realDonaldTrump 8/24/18 (6:28 a.m. ET) Tweet. 775 @realDonaldTrump 11/7/18 (2:44 p.m. ET) Tweet. 776 E.g., Del Quentin Wilbur & Byron Tau, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe, Wall Street Journal (Aug. 3, 2017); Carol D. Leonnig et al., Special Counsel Mueller using grand jury in federal court in Washington as part of Russia investigation, Washington Post (Aug. 3, 2017).