741 Porter 4/13/18 302, at 11; Porter 5/8/18 302, at 6. Because of Sessions’s recusal, if Rosenstein were no longer in his position, Brand would, by default, become the DOJ official in charge of supervising the Special Counsel’s investigation, and if both Sessions and Rosenstein were removed, Brand would be next in line to become Acting Attorney General for all DOJ matters. See 28 U.S.C. § 508. 742 Porter 4/13/18 302, at 11; Porter 5/8/18 302, at 6. 743 SC_RRP000020 (Porter 7/10/17 Notes). 744 Porter 4/13/18 302, at 11-12. 745 Porter 4/13/18 302, at 11-12. 746 Porter 4/13/18 302, at 11-12. Brand confirmed that no one ever raised with her the prospect of taking over the Russia investigation or becoming Attorney General. Brand 1/29/19 302, at 2. 747 McGahn 12/14/17 302, at 11. 748 McGahn 12/14/17 302, at 11. 749 McGahn 12/14/17 302, at 9. 750 Hicks 3/13/18 302, at 10. 751 McGahn 12/14/17 302, at 9; Hicks 3/13/18 302, at 10. 752 Porter 5/8/18 302, at 10. 753 SC_RRP000024 (Porter 10/16/17 Notes); see Porter 5/8/18 302, at 10. 754 Porter 5/8/18 302, at 10. 755 @realDonaldTrump 10/18/17 (6:21 a.m. ET) Tweet; @realDonaldTrump 10/18/17 (6:27 a.m. ET) Tweet. 756 @realDonaldTrump 10/29/17 (9:53 a.m. ET) Tweet; @realDonaldTrump 10/29/17 (10:02 a.m. ET) Tweet; @realDonaldTrump 10/29/17 (10:17 a.m. ET) Tweet. 757 Porter 4/13/18 302, at 5-6; see SC_RRP000031 (Porter 12/6/17 Notes) (“12:45pm With the President, Gen. Kelly, and Sessions (who I pulled in after the Cabinet meeting)”); SC_RRP000033 (Porter 12/6/17 Notes) (“Post-cabinet meeting – POTUS asked me to get AG Sessions. Asked me to stay. Also COS Kelly.”). 758 Porter 5/8/18 302, at 12; Porter 4/13/18 302, at 5-6. 759 SC_RRP000033 (Porter 12/6/17 Notes); see Porter 4/13/18 302, at 6; Porter 5/8/18 302, at 12. 760 SC_RRP000033 (Porter 12/6/17 Notes); see Porter 4/13/18 302, at 6.