284 White House advisors also called him that day to argue against his recusal. That afternoon, Sessions announced his decision to recuse “from any existing or future investigations of any matters related in any way to the 285 campaigns for President of the United States.” Sessions believed the decision to recuse was not a close call, given the applicable language in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), which Sessions considered to be clear and 286 decisive. Sessions thought that any argument that the CFR did not apply to 287 him was “very thin.” Sessions got the impression, based on calls he received from White House officials, that the President was very upset with him and did 288 not think he had done his duty as Attorney General. Shortly after Sessions announced his recusal, the White House Counsel’s 289 Office directed that Sessions should not be contacted about the matter. Internal White House Counsel’s Office notes from March 2, 2017, state “No 290 contact w/Sessions” and “No comms / Serious concerns about obstruction.” On March 3, the day after Sessions’s recusal, McGahn was called into the 291 292 Oval Office. Other advisors were there, including Priebus and Bannon. 293 The President opened the conversation by saying, “I don’t have a lawyer.” The President expressed anger at McGahn about the recusal and brought up Roy 294 Cohn, stating that he wished Cohn was his attorney. McGahn interpreted this comment as directed at him, suggesting that Cohn would fight for the President 295 whereas McGahn would not. The President wanted McGahn to talk to Sessions about the recusal, but McGahn told the President that DOJ ethics 296 officials had weighed in on Session’s decision to recuse. The President then brought up former Attorneys General Robert Kennedy and Eric Holder and said 297 that they had protected their presidents. The President also pushed back on the DOJ contacts policy, and said words to the effect of, “You’re telling me that Bobby and Jack didn’t talk about investigations? Or Obama didn’t tell Eric 298 Holder who to investigate?” Bannon recalled that the President was as mad as Bannon had ever seen him and that he screamed at McGahn about how weak 299 Sessions was. Bannon recalled telling the President that Session’s recusal was not a surprise and that before the inauguration they had discussed that