Sessions would have to recuse from campaign-related investigations because of 300 his work on the Trump Campaign. That weekend, Sessions and McGahn flew to Mar-a-Lago to meet with the 301 President. Sessions recalled that the President pulled him aside to speak to him alone and suggested that Sessions should “unrecuse” from the Russia 302 investigation. The President contrasted Sessions with Attorneys General Holder and Kennedy, who had developed a strategy to help their presidents 303 where Sessions had not. Sessions said he had the impression that the President feared that the investigation could spin out of control and disrupt his ability to govern, which Sessions could have helped avert if he were still 304 overseeing it. On March 5, 2017, the White House Counsel’s Office was informed that the FBI was asking for transition-period records relating to Flynn—indicating that 305 the FBI was still actively investigating him. On March 6, the President told advisors he wanted to call the Acting Attorney General to find out whether the White House or the President was being investigated, although it is not clear whether the President knew at that time of the FBI’s recent request concerning 306 Flynn. 2. FBI Director Comey Publicly Confirms the Existence of the Russia Investigation in Testimony Before HPSCI On March 9, 2017, Comey briefed the “Gang of Eight” congressional leaders about the FBI’s investigation of Russian interference, including an 307 identification of the principal U.S. subjects of the investigation. Although it is unclear whether the President knew of that briefing at the time, notes taken by Annie Donaldson, then McGahn’s chief of staff, on March 12, 2017, state, “POTUS in panic/chaos . . . Need binders to put in front of POTUS. (1) All 308 things related to Russia.” The week after Comey’s briefing, the White House Counsel’s Office was in contact with SSCI Chairman Senator Richard Burr about the Russia investigations and appears to have received information about 309 the status of the FBI investigation. 310 On March 20, 2017, Comey was scheduled to testify before HPSCI. In