Supplementary Response to Comey Memos
U.S. Department of Justice Office of Legislative Affairs Office of the Assistant Attorney General Washington, D. C. 20530 The Honorable Robert W. Goodlatte The Honorable Trey Gowdy Chairman Chairman on the Judiciary Committee on Oversight Committee U.S. Houses ofRepresentatives and Government Reform Washington, D.C. 20515 U.S. House of Representatives 20515 Washington, D.C. The Honorable Devin Nunes Chairman Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence APR 1 9 2018 U.S. House ofRepresentatives Washington, DC 20515 Dear Messrs. Chairmen: This supplements our earlier response to your letter of April 13, 2018, requesting access to memoranda prepared by former FBI Director James B. Corney concerning conversations with President Trump. We are sending similar letters to chairmen ofthe Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the Senate Committee on Judiciary, and the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, who have also requested access to these documents. As noted in our earlier response, the Department previously allowed certain members to review the memoranda with the understanding that their content would not be further disclosed. In light of the unusual events occurring since the previous limited disclosure, the Department has consulted the relevant parties and concluded that the release of the memoranda to Congress at this time would not adversely impact any ongoing investigation or other confidentiality interests of the Executive Branch. This decision does not alter the Department's traditional obligation to an protect from public disclosure witness statements and other documents obtained during ongoing investigation. Therefore, pursuant to your request, we are providing the requested memoranda in both redacted and unredacted formats for your convenience. Consistent with your request, we are an unclassified version of the documents redacted to remove any classified providing of the documents is enclosed. The unredacted documents information. The unclassified version are classified, and we will provide those in a separate, secure transmittal to the House Security office tomorrow. Members of your committees will be able to view the classified transmittal in the House Security office.