opening of the tournament and noted that, if there was “a chance to see anyone 1021 key from Trump camp,” he “would love to start building for the future.” Dmitriev also asked Nader to invite Kushner to the event so that he (Dmitriev) 1022 could meet him. Nader did not pass along Dmitriev’s invitation to anyone 1023 connected with the incoming Administration. Although one World Chess Federation official recalled hearing from an attendee that President-Elect Trump had stopped by the tournament, the investigation did not establish that Trump or 1024 any Campaign or Transition Team official attended the event. And the 1025 President’s written answers denied that he had. Nader stated that Dmitriev continued to press him to set up a meeting with 1026 transition officials, and was particularly focused on Kushner and Trump Jr. Dmitriev told Nader that Putin would be very grateful to Nader and that a 1027 meeting would make history. █ █ █ █ █ Grand Jury█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 1028 1029 █ █ █ █ █ █ GJ█ █ █ Grand Jury█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ According to Nader, Dmitriev was very anxious to connect with the incoming Administration and told Nader that he would try other routes to do so besides 1030 Nader himself. Nader did not ultimately introduce Dmitriev to anyone associated with the incoming Administration during Dmitriev’s post-election trip 1031 to New York. In early December 2016, Dmitriev again broached the topic of meeting 1032 incoming Administration officials with Nader in January or February. Dmitriev sent Nader a list of publicly available quotes of Dmitriev speaking 1033 positively about Donald Trump “in case they [were] helpful.” c. Erik Prince and Kirill Dmitriev Meet in the Seychelles i. George Nader and Erik Prince Arrange Seychelles Meeting with Dmitriev Nader traveled to New York in early January 2017 and had lunchtime and 1034 dinner meetings with Erik Prince · on January 3, 2017. Nader and Prince

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