Sessions during foreign policy dinners put together through the Center for the National Interest. Kilimnik, Konstantin Russian-Ukrainian political consultant and long-time employee of Paul Manafort assessed by the FBI to have ties to Russian intelligence. Kislyak, Sergey Former Russian ambassador to the United States and current Russian senator from Mordovia. Klimentov, Denis Employee of the New Economic School who informed high-ranking Russian government officials of Carter Page’s July 2016 visit to Moscow. Klimentov, Dmitri Brother of Denis Klimentov who contacted Kremlin press secretary Dmitri Peskov about Carter Page’s July 2016 visit to Moscow. Klokov, Dmitry Executive for PJSC Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System and former aide to Russia’s minister of energy. He communicated with Michael Cohen about a possible meeting between Vladimir Putin and candidate Trump. Kobyakov, Anton Advisor to Vladimir Putin and