418 had the authority to terminate Comey without cause. In an effort to slow down the decision-making process, McGahn told the President that DOJ leadership was currently discussing Comey’s status and suggested that White House Counsel’s Office attorneys should talk with Sessions and Rod Rosenstein, 419 who had recently been confirmed as the Deputy Attorney General. McGahn said that previously scheduled meetings with Sessions and Rosenstein that day 420 would be an opportunity to find out what they thought about firing Comey. At noon, Sessions, Rosenstein, and Hunt met with McGahn and White 421 House Counsel’s Office attorney Uttam Dhillon at the White House. McGahn said that the President had decided to fire Comey and asked for 422 Session’s and Rosenstein’s views. Sessions and Rosenstein criticized Comey 423 and did not raise concerns about replacing him. McGahn and Dhillon said the fact that neither Sessions nor Rosenstein objected to replacing Comey gave them peace of mind that the President’s decision to fire Comey was not an 424 attempt to obstruct justice. An Oval Office meeting was scheduled later that day so that Sessions and Rosenstein could discuss the issue with the 425 President. At around 5 p.m., the President and several White House officials met with 426 Sessions and Rosenstein to discuss Comey. The President told the group that he had watched Comey’s May 3 testimony over the weekend and thought that 427 something was “not right” with Comey. The President said that Comey 428 should be removed and asked Sessions and Rosenstein for their views. Hunt, who was in the room, recalled that Sessions responded that he had previously 429 recommended that Comey be replaced. McGahn and Dhillon said Rosenstein described his concerns about Comey’s handling of the Clinton email 430 investigation. The President then distributed copies of the termination letter he had drafted with Miller, and the discussion turned to the mechanics of how to fire Comey 431 and whether the President’s letter should be used. McGahn and Dhillon urged the President to permit Comey to resign, but the President was adamant 432 that he be fired. The group discussed the possibility that Rosenstein and