Consulting; worked with Davis Manafort International LLC on public relations campaign in Ukraine. Heilbrunn, Jacob Editor of the National Interest, the periodical that officially hosted candidate Trump’s April 2016 foreign policy speech. Hicks, Hope White House communications director (Aug. 2017 – Mar. 2018) and press secretary for the Trump Campaign. Holt, Lester NBC News anchor who interviewed President Trump on May 11, 2017. Hunt, Jody Chief of staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Feb. 2017 – Oct. 2017). Ivanov, Igor President of the Russian International Affairs Council and former Russian foreign minister. Ivan Timofeev told George Papadopoulos that Ivanov advised on arranging a “Moscow visit” for the Trump Campaign. Ivanov, Sergei Special representative of Vladimir Putin, former Russian deputy prime minister, and former FSB deputy director. In January 2016, Michael Cohen emailed the Kremlin requesting to speak to Ivanov.