Press reports following Comey’s March 20 testimony suggested that the FBI was investigating the President, contrary to what Comey had told the President 321 at the end of the January 6, 2017 intelligence assessment briefing. McGahn, Donaldson, and senior advisor Stephen Miller recalled that the President was upset with Comey’s testimony and the press coverage that followed because of 322 the suggestion that the President was under investigation. Notes from the White House Counsel’s Office dated March 21, 2017, indicate that the President 323 was “beside himself” over Comey’s testimony. The President called McGahn repeatedly that day to ask him to intervene with the Department of Justice, and, 324 according to the notes, the President was “getting hotter and hotter, get rid?” Officials in the White House Counsel’s Office became so concerned that the President would fire Comey that they began drafting a memorandum that 325 examined whether the President needed cause to terminate the FBI director. At the President’s urging, McGahn contacted Boente several times on March 21, 2017, to seek Boente’s assistance in having Comey or the Department of 326 Justice correct the misperception that the President was under investigation. Boente did not specifically recall the conversations, although he did remember one conversation with McGahn around this time where McGahn asked if there 327 was a way to speed up or end the Russia investigation as quickly as possible. Boente said McGahn told him the President was under a cloud and it made it 328 hard for him to govern. Boente recalled telling McGahn that there was no good way to shorten the investigation and attempting to do so could erode 329 confidence in the investigation’s conclusions. Boente said McGahn agreed 330 and dropped the issue. The President also sought to speak with Boente directly, but McGahn told the President that Boente did not want to talk to the 331 President about the request to intervene with Comey. McGahn recalled Boente telling him in calls that day that he did not think it was sustainable for Comey to stay on as FBI director for the next four years, which McGahn said he 332 conveyed to the President. Boente did not recall discussing with McGahn or 333 anyone else the idea that Comey should not continue as FBI director. 3. The President Asks Intelligence Community Leaders to Make Public Statements that he had No Connection to Russia