337 Pompeo 6/28/17 302, at 1-3. 338 Coats 6/14/17 302, at 3. 339 Dempsey 6/14/17 302, at 2. 340 Dempsey 6/14/17 302, at 2-3. 341 Dempsey 6/14/17 302, at 3. 342 Gistaro 6/14/17 302, at 2. 343 Culver 6/14/17 302, at 2-3. 344 Coats 6/14/17 302, at 4. 345 Coats 6/14/17 302, at 4; Dempsey 6/14/17 302, at 3 (Coats relayed that the President had asked several times what Coats could do to help “get [the investigation] done,” and Coats had repeatedly told the President that fastest way to “get it done” was to let it run its course). 346 Hearing on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Before the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, th 115 Cong. (June 7, 2017) (CQ Cong. Transcripts, at 25) (testimony by Daniel Coats, Director of National Intelligence). 347 Rogers 6/12/17 302, at 3-4. 348 Rogers 6/12/17 302, at 4. 349 Ledgett 6/13/17 302, at 1-2; see Rogers 6/12/17 302, at 4. 350 Rogers 6/12/17 302, at 4-5; Ledgett 6/13/17 302, at 2. 351 Ledgett 6/13/17 302, at 2. 352 Ledgett 6/13/17 302, at 2-3; Rogers 6/12/17 302, at 4. 353 Rogers 6/12/17 302, at 5; Ledgett 6/13/17 302, at 2. 354 Hearing on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Before the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, th 115 Cong. (June 7, 2017) (CQ Cong. Transcripts, at 20) (testimony by Admiral Michael Rogers, Director of the National Security Agency). 355 Gistaro 6/14/17 302, at 1,3; Pompeo 6/28/17 302, at 2-3. 356 Gistaro 6/14/17 302, at 1. 357 Pompeo 6/28/17 302, at 2. 358 Rogers 6/12/17 302, at 6.