Goldstone emailed the document to Rhona Graff, saying that “Aras Agalarov has asked me to pass on this document in the hope it can be passed on to the appropriate team. If needed, a lawyer representing the case is in New York 752 currently and happy to meet with any member of his transition team.” According to Goldstone, around January 2017, Kaveladze contacted him again 753 to set up another meeting, but Goldstone did not make the request. The investigation did not identify evidence of the transition team following up. Participants in the June 9, 2016 meeting began receiving inquiries from attorneys representing the Trump Organization starting in approximately June 754 2017. On approximately June 2, 2017, Goldstone spoke with Alan Garten, general counsel of the Trump Organization, about his participation in the June 9 755 meeting. The same day, Goldstone emailed Veselnitskaya’s name to Garten, identifying her as the “woman who was the attorney who spoke at the meeting 756 from Moscow. ” Later in June 2017, Goldstone participated in a lengthier call with Garten and Alan Futerfas, outside counsel for the Trump Organization 757 (and, subsequently, personal counsel for Trump Jr.). On June 27, 2017, Goldstone emailed Emin Agalarov with the subject “Trump attorneys” and stated that he was “interviewed by attorneys” about the June 9 meeting who were “concerned because it links Don Jr. to officials from Russia—which he has 758 always denied meeting.” Goldstone stressed that he “did say at the time this 759 was an awful idea and a terrible meeting.” Emin Agalarov sent a screenshot 760 of the message to Kaveladze. The June 9 meeting became public in July 2017. In a July 9, 2017 text message to Emin Agalarov, Goldstone wrote “I made sure I kept you and your 761 father out of [t]his story,” and “[i]f contacted I can do a dance and keep you 762 out of it.” Goldstone added, “FBI now investigating,” and “I hope this favor 763 was worth for your dad—it could blow up.” On July 12, 2017 Emin Agalarov complained to Kaveladze that his father, Aras, “never listens” to him 764 and that their relationship with “mr T has been thrown down the drain.” The next month, Goldstone commented to Emin Agalarov about the volume of publicity the June 9 meeting had generated, stating that his “reputation [was] basically destroyed by this dumb meeting which your father insisted on even 765 though Ike and Me told him would be bad news and not to do.” Goldstone