On July 20, 2016, Gordon and Sessions delivered their speeches at the 777 conference. In his speech, Gordon stated in pertinent part that the United 778 States should have better relations with Russia. During Sessions’s speech, he took questions from the audience, one of which may have been asked by 779 Kislyak. When the speeches concluded, several ambassadors lined up to 780 greet the speakers. Gordon shook hands with Kislyak and reiterated that he 781 had meant what he said in the speech about improving U.S.-Russia relations. Sessions separately spoke with between six and 12 ambassadors, including 782 Kislyak. Although Sessions stated during interviews with the Office that he had no specific recollection of what he discussed with Kislyak, he believed that the two spoke for only a few minutes and that they would have exchanged 783 pleasantries and said some things about U.S.-Russia relations. Later that evening, Gordon attended a reception as part of the 784 conference. Gordon ran into Kislyak as the two prepared plates of food, and 785 they decided to sit at the same table to eat. They were joined at that table by the ambassadors from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, and by Trump Campaign 786 advisor Carter Page. As they ate, Gordon and Kislyak talked for what Gordon estimated to have been three to five minutes, during which Gordon again mentioned that he meant what he said in his speech about improving U.S.-Russia 787 relations. b. Change to Republican Party Platform In preparation for the 2016 Convention, foreign policy advisors to the Trump Campaign, working with the Republican National Committee, reviewed the 2012 Convention’s foreign policy platform to identify divergence between 788 the earlier platform and candidate Trump’s positions. The Campaign team discussed toning down language from the 2012 platform that identified Russia as the country’s number one threat, given the candidate’s belief that there needed to 789 be better U.S. relations with Russia. The RNC Platform Committee sent the 2016 draft platform to the National Security and Defense Platform Subcommittee on July 10, 2016, the evening before its first meeting to propose 790 amendments.