514 McGahn 12/14/17 302, at 9; SCR015_0001 75-82 (Undated Draft Memoranda to White House Staff). The White House Counsel’s Office had previously issued a document hold on February 27, 2017. SCRO 15_000171 (2/17/17 Memorandum from McGahn to Executive Office of the President Staff). 515 Hunt-000047 (Hunt 5/18/17 Notes); 5/18/17 Letter, Sessions to President Trump (resigning as Attorney General). 516 Hunt-000047-49 (Hunt 5/18/17 Notes); Sessions 1/17/18 302, at 14. 517 Hunt-000047-49 (Hunt 5/18/17 Notes); Sessions 1/17/18 302, at 14. 518 Hunt-000048-49 (Hunt 5/18/17 Notes); Sessions 1/17/18 302, at 14. 519 Sessions 1/17/18 302, at 14. 520 Hunt-000049 (Hunt 5/18/17 Notes). 521 Hunt-000050-51 (Hunt 5/18/17 Notes). 522 Hunt-000050 (Hunt 5/18/17 Notes); Priebus 10/13/17 302, at 21; Hunt 2/1/18 302, at 21. 523 Hunt-000051 (Hunt 5/18/17 Notes). 524 SCR026_000110 (President’s Daily Diary, 5/19/17). 525 Hicks 12/8/17 302, at 22. 526 Priebus 10/13/17 302, at 21. Hunt’s notes state that when Priebus returned from the trip, Priebus told Hunt that the President was supposed to have given him the letter, but when he asked for it, the President “slapped the desk” and said he had forgotten it back at the hotel. Hunt-000052 (Hunt Notes, undated). 527 Hunt-000052-53 (Hunt 5/30/17 Notes); 5/18/17 Letter, Sessions to President Trump (resignation letter). Robert Porter, who was the White House Staff Secretary at the time, said that in the days after the President returned from the Middle East trip, the President took Sessions’s letter out of a drawer in the Oval Office and showed it to Porter. Porter 4/13/18 302, at 8. Personal Privacy█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ███ 528 Priebus 1/18/18 302, at 12; Bannon 2/14/18 302, at 10; McGahn 3/8/18 302, at I; McGahn 12/14/17 302, at 10; Bannon 10/26/18 302, at 12. 529 Priebus 1/18/18 302, at 12; Bannon 2/14/18 302, at 10. In October 2011, Mueller resigned his family’s membership from Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, in a letter that noted that “we live in the District and find that we are unable to make full use of the Club” and that inquired “whether we would be entitled to a refund of a portion of our initial membership fee,” which was paid in 1994. 10/12/11 Letter, Muellers to Trump National Golf Club (IAEN). About two weeks later, the controller of the club responded that the Muellers’ resignation would be effective October 31, 2011, and that they would be “placed on a waitlist to be refunded on a first resigned / first refunded basis” in accordance with the club’s