442 SC_AD_00342 (Donaldson 5/9/17 Notes). Donaldson also wrote “[i]s this the beginning of the end?” because she was worried that the decision to terminate Comey and the manner in which it was carried out would be the end of the presidency. Donaldson 11/6/17 302, at 25. 443 S. Miller 10/31/17 302, at 12; McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 15; Hunt-000032 (Hunt 5/9/17 Notes). 444 McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 15; S. Miller 10/31/17 302, at 12; Dhillon 11/21/17 302, at 8, 10; Priebus 10/13/17 302, at 27; Hunt 2/1/18 302, at 14-15; Hunt-000032 (Hunt 5/9/17 Notes). 445 Dhillon 11/21/17 302, at 10; Eisenberg 11/29/17 302, at 15 (providing the view that the President’s desire to include the language about not being under investigation was the “driving animus of the whole thing”); Burnham 11/3/17 302, at 16 (Burnham knew the only line the President cared about was the line that said Comey advised the President on three separate occasions that the President was not under investigation). According to Hunt’s notes, the reference to Comey’s statement would indicate that “notwithstanding” Comey’s having informed the President that he was not under investigation, the President was terminating Comey. Hunt-000032 (Hunt 5/9/17 Notes). McGahn said he believed the President wanted the language included so that people would not think that the President had terminated Comey because the President was under investigation. McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 15. 446 McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 15; Donaldson 11/6/17 302, at 25; see SC_AD_00342 (Donaldson 5/9/17 Notes) (“Resign vs. Removal. – POTUS/removal.”). 447 Spicer 10/16/17 302, at 9; McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 16. 448 Priebus 10/13/17 302, at 28. 449 Statement of the Press Secretary, The White House, Office of the Press Secretary (May 9, 2017). 450 McCabe 9/26/17 302, at 4; SCR025_000044 (President’s Daily Diary, 5/9/17); McCabe 5/10/17 Memorandum, at 1. 451 McCabe 9/26/17 302, at 5; McCabe 5/10/17 Memorandum, at 1. 452 McCabe 9/26/17 302, at 5; McCabe 5/10/17 Memorandum, at 1-2. 453 McCabe 9/26/17 302, at 5; McCabe 5/10/17 Memorandum, at 1-2. 454 McCabe 9/26/17 302, at 5; McCabe 5/10/17 Memorandum, at 1-2. 455 Spicer 10/16/17 302, at 11; Hicks 12/8/17, at 18; Sanders 7/3/18 302, at 2. 456 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 6. 457 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 6. 458 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 6. 459 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 6.