880 See Sharon LaFraniere, Manafort’s Trial Isn’t About Russia, but It Will Be in the Air, New York Times (July 30, 2018); Tierney Sneed, Prosecutors Believe Manafort Made $60 Million Consulting in Ukraine, Talking Points Memo (July 30, 2018); Mykola Vorobiov, How Pro-Russian Forces Will Take Revenge on Ukraine, Atlantic Council (Sept. 23, 2018); Sergii Leshchenko, Ukraine’s Oligarchs Are Still Calling the Shots Foreign Policy (Aug. 14, 2014); Interfax-Ukraine, Kolesnikov: Inevitability of Punishment Needed for Real Fight Against Smuggling in Ukraine, Kyiv Post (June 23, 2018); Igor Kossov, Kyiv Hotel Industry Makes Room for New Entrants, Kyiv Post (Mar. 7, 2019); Markian Kuzmowycz, How the Kremlin Can Win Ukraine’s Elections, Atlantic Council (Nov. 19, 2018). The Opposition Bloc is a Ukraine political party that largely reconstituted the Party of Regions. 881 3/30/16 Email, Gates to Kilimnik. 882 4/11/16 Email, Manafort & Kilimnik. 883 4/11/16 Email, Manafort & Kilimnik. 884 Gates 2/2/18 302, at 10. 885 Gates 2/2/18 302, at 11; Gates 9/27/18 302 (serial 740), at 2. 886 Gates 2/2/18 302, at 12. 887 Gates 2/2/18 302, at 12. 888 Gates 1/31/18 302, at 17; Gates 9/27 /18 302 (serial 740), at 2. In a later interview with the Office, Gates stated that Manafort directed him to send polling data to Kilimnik after a May 7, 2016 meeting between Manafort and Kilimnik in New York, discussed in Volume I, Section IV.A.8.b.iii, infra. Gates 11/7/18 302, at 3. 889 Gates 9/27/18 302, Part II, at 2; Grand Jury█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ██ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 890 Gates 2/12/18 302, at 10; Gates 1/31/18 302, at 17. 891 Gates 9/27/18 302 (serial 740), at 2; Gates 2/7/18 302, at 15. 892 Gates 1/31/18 302, at 17. 893 Gates 2/12/18 302, at 11-12. According to Gates, his access to internal polling data was more limited because Fabrizio was himself distanced from the Campaign at that point. 894 Grand Jury█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ██ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 895 8/18/16 Email, Kilimnik to Dirkse; 8/18/16 Email, Kilimnik to Schultz; 8/18/16 Email, Kilimnik to Marson; 7/27/16 Email, Kilimnik to Ash; 8/18/16 Email, Kilimnik to Ash; 8/18/16 Email, Kilimnik to Jackson; 8/18/16 Email, Kilimnik to Mendoza-Wilson; 8/19/16 Email, Kilimnik to Patten. 896 Grand Jury█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ██ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 897 7/7/16 Email, Manafort to Kilimnik.