Erchova, Lana (a/k/a Ex-wife of Dmitry Klokov who Lana Alexander) emailed Ivanka Trump to introduce Klokov to the Trump Campaign in the fall of 2015. Fabrizio, Anthony Partner at the research and consulting (Tony) firm Fabrizio, Lee & Associates. He was a pollster for the Trump Campaign and worked with Paul Manafort on Ukraine-related polling after the election. Fishbein, Jason Attorney who performed worked for Julian Assange and also sent WikiLeaks a password for an unlaunched website on September 20, 2016. Flynn, Michael G. Son of Michael T. Flynn, National (a/k/a Michael Flynn Security Advisor (Jan. 20, 2017 – Feb. Jr.) 13, 2017). Flynn, Michael T. National Security Advisor (Jan. 20, 2017 – Feb. 13, 2017), Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (July 2012 – Aug.7, 2014), and Trump Campaign advisor. He pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about communications with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016. Foresman, Robert Investment banker who sought