described the Trump Tower Moscow project and requested assistance in moving 919 the project forward. Cohen recalled briefing candidate Trump about the call 920 soon afterwards. Cohen told Trump he spoke with a woman he identified as “someone from the Kremlin,” and Cohen reported that she was very professional 921 and asked detailed questions about the project. Cohen recalled telling Trump he wished the Trump Organization had assistants who were as competent as the 922 woman from the Kremlin. 923 Cohen thought his phone call renewed interest in the project. The day after Cohen’s call with Poliakova, Sater texted Cohen, asking him to “[c]all me 924 when you have a few minutes to chat . . . it’s about Putin they called today.” Sater told Cohen that the Russian government liked the project and on January 925 25, 2016, sent an invitation for Cohen to visit Moscow “for a working visit.” After the outreach from Sater, Cohen recalled telling Trump that he was waiting 926 to hear back on moving the project forward. After January 2016, Cohen continued to have conversations with Sater about Trump Tower Moscow and continued to keep candidate Trump updated about 927 those discussions and the status of the project. Cohen recalled that he and Trump wanted Trump Tower Moscow to succeed and that Trump never 928 discouraged him from working on the project because of the campaign. In March or April 2016, Trump asked Cohen if anything was happening in 929 Russia. Cohen also recalled briefing Donald Trump Jr. in the spring—a conversation that Cohen said was not “idle chit chat” because Trump Tower 930 Moscow was potentially a $1 billion deal. Cohen recalled that around May 2016, he again raised with candidate Trump the possibility of a trip to Russia to advance the Trump Tower Moscow 931 project. At that time, Cohen had received several texts from Sater seeking to 932 arrange dates for such a trip. On May 4, 2016, Sater wrote to Cohen, “I had a chat with Moscow. ASSUMING the trip does happen the question is before or after the convention. . . . . Obviously the premeeting trip (you only) can happen anytime you want but the 2 big guys [is] the question. I said I would confirm and 933 revert.” Cohen responded, “My trip before Cleveland. Trump once he