from any request of me, but I have recorded it here as it happened.” 373 Maria Bartiromo, Interview with President Trump, Fox Business Network (Apr. 12, 2017); SCR012b_000054 (President’s Daily Diary, 4/11/17, reflecting Bartiromo interview from 12:30 - 12:55 p.m.). 374 Hicks 12/8/17 302, at 13. 375 Priebus 10/13/17 302, at 23; McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 9. 376 Priebus 10/13/17 302, at 23; McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 9; see McGahn 11/30/17 302, at 9; Dhillon 11/21/17 302, at 2 (stating that White House Counsel attorneys had advised the President not to contact the FBI Director directly because it could create a perception he was interfering with investigations). Later in April, the President told other attorneys in the White House Counsel’s Office that he had called Comey even though he knew they had advised against direct contact. Dhillon 11/21/17 302, at 2 (recalling that the President said, “I know you told me not to, but I called Comey anyway.”). 377 McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 9. 378 McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 9. 379 McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 9; see Boente 1/31/18 302, at 6 (recalling that Comey told him after the March 30, 2017 call that it was not obstructive). 380 McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 9-10. 381 Boente 1/31/18 302, at 7; McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 9. 382 Boente 1/31/18 302, at 7. 383 Hearing on Oversight of the FBI before the Senate Judiciary Committee, 115th Cong. (May 3, 2017). 384 McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 10-11. 385 McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 7, 10-11 (McGahn believed that two foreign leaders had expressed sympathy to the President for being under investigation); SC_AD_00265 (Donaldson 4/11/17 Notes) (“P Called Comey – Day we told him not to? ‘You are not under investigation’ NK/China/Sapping Credibility”). 386 Hearing on FBI Oversight Before the Senate Judiciary Committee, 115th Cong. (CQ Cong. Transcripts, at 70) (May 3, 2017) (testimony by FBI Director James Comey). Comey repeated this point several times during his testimony. See id. at 26 (explaining that he was “not going to say another peep about [the investigation] until we’re done”); id. at 90 (stating that he would not provide any updates about the status of investigation “before the matter is concluded”). 387 Hearing on FBI Oversight Before the Senate Judiciary Committee, 115th Cong. (May 3, 2017) (CQ Cong. Transcripts, at 87-88) (questions by Sen. Blumenthal and testimony by FBI Director James B. Comey).