823 On September 8, 2016, Sessions met with Kislyak in his Senate office. Sessions said that he believed he was doing the Campaign a service by meeting 824 with foreign ambassadors, including Kislyak. He was accompanied in the meeting by at least two of his Senate staff: Sandra Luff, his legislative director; 825 and Pete Landrum, who handled military affairs. The meeting lasted less than 826 30 minutes. Sessions voiced concerns about Russia’s sale of a missile- defense system to Iran, Russian planes buzzing U.S. military assets in the Middle East, and Russian aggression in emerging democracies such as Ukraine 827 and Moldova. Kislyak offered explanations on these issues and complained 828 about NATO land forces in former Soviet-bloc countries that border Russia. Landrum recalled that Kislyak referred to the presidential campaign as “an 829 interesting campaign,” and Sessions also recalled Kislyak saying that the Russian government was receptive to the overtures Trump had laid out during 830 his campaign. None of the attendees, though, remembered any discussion of Russian election interference or any request that Sessions convey information 831 from the Russian government to the Trump Campaign. During the meeting, Kislyak invited Sessions to further discuss U.S.-Russia 832 relations with him over a meal at the ambassador’s residence. Sessions was non-committal when Kislyak extended the invitation. After the meeting ended, Luff advised Sessions against accepting the one-on-one meeting with Kislyak, 833 whom she assessed to be an “old school KGB guy.” Neither Luff nor Landrum recalled that Sessions followed up on the invitation or made any further effort to dine or meet with Kislyak before the November 2016 834 election. Sessions and Landrum recalled that, after the election, some efforts 835 were made to arrange a meeting between Sessions and Kislyak. According to Sessions, the request came through CNI and would have involved a meeting between Sessions and Kislyak, two other ambassadors, and the Governor of 836 Alabama. Sessions, however, was in New York on the day of the anticipated 837 meeting and was unable to attend. The investigation did not identify evidence that the two men met at any point after their September 8 meeting. 8. Paul Manafort