216 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 3. 217 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 3. 218 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 3. Christie said he thought when the President said “the Russia thing” he was referring to not just the investigations but also press coverage about Russia. Christie thought the more important thing was that there was an investigation. Christie 2/13/19 302, at 4. 219 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 3. 220 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 3. 221 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 3. 222 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 3-4. 223 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 3. Christie also recalled that during the lunch, Flynn called Kushner, who was at the lunch, and complained about what Spicer had said about Flynn in his press briefing that day. Kushner told Flynn words to the effect of, “You know the President respects you. The President cares about you. I’ll get the President to send out a positive tweet about you later.” Kushner looked at the President when he mentioned the tweet, and the President nodded his assent. Christie 2/13/19 302, at 3. Flynn recalled getting upset at Spicer’s comments in the press conference and calling Kushner to say he did not appreciate the comments. Flynn 1/19/18 302, at 9. 224 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 4. 225 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 4. 226 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 4-5. 227 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 5. 228 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 5. 229 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 5. 230 Christie 2/13/19 302, at 5. 231 SCR012b_000022 (President’s Daily Diary, 2/14/17); Comey 11/15/17 302, at 9. 232 Comey 11/15/17 302, at 10; 2/14/17 Comey Memorandum, at 1; Hearing on Russian Election Interference Before the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, 115th Cong. (June 8, 2017) (Statement for the Record of James B. Comey, former Director of the FBI, at 4); Priebus 10/13/17 302, at 18 (confirming that everyone was shooed out “like Comey said” in his June testimony). 233 Comey 11/15/17 302, at 10; Comey 2/14/17 Memorandum, at 1; Hearing on Russian Election Interference Before the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, 115th Cong. (June 8, 2017) (Statement for the Record of James B. Comey, former Director of the FBI, at 4). Sessions recalled that the President asked to speak to Comey alone and that Sessions was one of the last to leave the room; he described Comey’s