The Later communications indicate that Clovis determined that he (Clovis) could handwritten not travel. On August 15, 2016, Papadopoulos emailed Clovis that he had script reads, received requests from multiple foreign governments, “even Russia[],” for September “closed door workshops/consultations abroad,” and asked whether there was still (boxed). 490 Have interest for Clovis, Phares, and Papadopoulos “to go on that trip.” Clovis an copied Phares on his response, which said that he could not “travel before the exploratory election” but that he “would encourage [Papadopoulos] and Walid to make the meeting 491 to trips, if it is feasible.” (slashed) or Papadopoulos was dismissed from the Trump Campaign in early October lose. 2016, after an interview he gave to the Russian news agency Interfax generated In September 492 adverse publicity. – if allowed f. Trump Campaign Knowledge of “Dirt” they will blast Papadopoulos admitted telling at least one individual outside of the Mr.