determined that Manafort had breached his plea agreement and could not be a cooperating witness. The judge presiding in Manafort’s D.C. criminal case found by a preponderance of the evidence that Manafort intentionally made multiple false statements to the FBI, the Office, and the grand jury concerning his interactions and communications with Kilimnik (and concerning two other issues). Although the report refers at times to Manafort’s statements, it does so only when those statements are sufficiently corroborated to be trustworthy, to identify issues on which Manafort’s untruthful responses may themselves be of evidentiary value, or to provide Manafort’s explanations for certain events, even when we were unable to determine whether that explanation was credible. 843 Pinchuk et al., Russian Tycoon Deripaska in Putin Delegation to China, Reuters (June 8, 2018). 844 6/23/05 Memo, Manafort & Davis to Deripaska & Rothchild. 845 Gates 2/2/18 302, at 7. 846 Manafort 9/20/18 302, at 2-5; Manafort Income by Year, 2005 – 2015; Manafort Loans from Wire Transfers, 2005 – 2015. 847 Gates 3/12/18 302, at 5. 848 Manafort 12/16/15 Dep., at 157:8-11. 849 Gates 2/2/18 302, at 9. 850 Gates 2/2/18 302, at 6. 851 Gates 2/2/18 302, at 9-10. 852 Manafort 7/30/14 302, at 1; Manafort 9/20/18 302, at 2. 853 Manafort 9/11/18 302, at 5-6. 854 Gates 3/16/18 302, at 1; Davis 2/8/18 302, at 9; Devine 7/6/18 302, at 2-3. 855 Patten 5/22/18 302, at 5; Gates 1/29/18 302, at 18-19; 10/28/97 Kilimnik Visa Record, U.S. Department of State. 856 Gates 1/29/18 302, at 18-19; Patten 5/22/18 302, at 8; Gates 1/31/18 302, at 4-5; Gates 1/30/18 302, at 2; Gates 2/2/18 302, at 11. 857 Gates 1/29/18 302, at 18; Patten 5/22/18 302, at 8. 858 Boyarkin Visa Record, U.S. Department of State. 859 Manafort 9/11/18 302, at 5. 860 The Office has noted Kilimnik’s assessed ties to Russian intelligence in public court filings. E.g., Gov’t Opp. to Mot. to Modify, United States v. Paul J. Manafort, Jr., 1:17-cr-201 (D.D.C. Dec. 4, 2017), Doc. 73, at 2 (“Manafort (D.D.C.) Gov’t Opp. to Mot. to Modify”).