23 Gates 4/10/18 302, at 5; Newman 8/23/18 302, at 1. 24 Gates 4/11/18 302, at 2-3 (SM-2180998); Gates 10/25/18 302, at 2; see also Volume I, Section III.D.1, supra. 25 Cohen 8/7/18 302, at 8; see also Volume I, Section III.D.1, supra. According to Cohen, after WikiLeaks’s subsequent release of stolen DNC emails on July 22, 2016, Trump said to Cohen words to the effect of, HOM█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ Cohen 9/18/18 302, at 10. Cohen’s role in the candidate’s and later President’s activities, and his own criminal conduct, is described in Volume II, Section II.K, infra, and in Volume I, Section IV.A.1, supra. 26 Cohen 8/7/18 302, at 8. 27 Grand Jury█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █. As explained in footnote 197 of Volume I, Section III.D.l.b, supra, this Office has included Manafort’s account of these events because it aligns with those of other witnesses and is corroborated to that extent. 28 Gates 10/25/18 302, at 4. 29 Gates 10/25/18 302, at 4. 30 Bannon 1/18/19 302, at 3. 31 Gates 4/11/18 302, at 1-2 (SM-2180998); Gates 10/25/18 302, at 2 (messaging strategy was being formed in June/July timeframe based on claims by Assange on June 12, 2016, Harm to Ongoing Matter█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █). 32 @realDonaldTrump 7/26/16 (6:47 p.m. ET) Tweet. 33 @realDonaldTrump 7/26/16 (6:50 p.m. ET) Tweet. 34 Donald Trump News Conference, Doral, Florida, C-SPAN (July 27, 2016). 35 Donald Trump News Conference, Doral, Florida, C-SPAN (July 27, 2016). 36 Donald Trump News Conference, Doral, Florida, C-SPAN (July 27, 2016). Within five hours of Trump’s remark, a Russian intelligence service began targeting email accounts associated with Hillary Clinton for possible hacks. See Volume I, Section III, supra. In written answers submitted in this investigation, the President stated that he made the “Russia, if you’re listening” statement “in jest and sarcastically, as was apparent to any objective observer.” Written Responses of Donald J. Trump (Nov. 20, 2018), at 13 (Response to Question II, Part (d)). 37 Donald Trump News Conference, Doral, Florida, C-SPAN (July 27, 2016). In his written answers submitted in this investigation, the President said that his statement that “we’ll be looking” at Crimea and sanctions “did not communicate any position.” Written Responses of Donald J. Trump (Nov. 20, 2018), at 17 (Response to Question IV, Part (g). 38 Donald Trump News Conference, Doral, Florida, C-SPAN (July 27, 2016).