42 to Moscow to promote the deal and by Trump himself to finalize it. Cohen recalled speaking with Trump after the press conference about Trump’s denial of any business dealings in Russia, which Cohen regarded as 43 untrue. Trump told Cohen that Trump Tower Moscow was not a deal yet and 44 said, “Why mention it if it is not a deal?” According to Cohen, at around this time, in response to Trump’s disavowal of connections to Russia, campaign advisors had developed a “party line” that Trump had no business with Russia 45 and no connections to Russia. In addition to denying any connections with Russia, the Trump Campaign reacted to reports of Russian election interference in aid of the Campaign by seeking to distance itself from Russian contacts. For example, in August 2016, foreign policy advisor J.D. Gordon declined an invitation to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s residence because the timing was “not optimal” in 46 view of media reports about Russian interference. On August 19, 2016, Manafort was asked to resign amid media coverage scrutinizing his ties to a pro- 47 Russian political party in Ukraine and links to Russian business. And when the media published stories about Page’s connections to Russia in September 2016, Trump Campaign officials terminated Page’s association with the 48 Campaign and told the press that he had played “no role” in the Campaign. On October 7, 2016, WikiLeaks released the first set of emails stolen by a 49 Russian intelligence agency from Clinton Campaign chairman John Podesta. The same day, the federal government announced that “the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, 50 including from US political organizations.” The government statement directly linked Russian hacking to the releases on WikiLeaks, with the goal of interfering with the presidential election, and concluded “that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities” based on their 51 “scope and sensitivity.” On October 11, 2016, Podesta stated publicly that the FBI was investigating Russia’s hacking and said that candidate Trump might have known in advance 52 that the hacked emails were going to be released. Vice Presidential Candidate Mike Pence was asked whether the Trump Campaign was “in cahoots” with