926 Cohen 11/20/18 302, at 5. 927 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 6. In later congressional testimony, Cohen stated that he briefed Trump on the project approximately six times after January 2016. Hearing on Issues Related to Trump Organization th Before the House Oversight and Reform Committee, 116 Cong. (Feb. 27, 2019) (CQ Cong. Transcripts, at 24) (testimony of Michael Cohen). 928 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 6. 929 Cohen 9/18/18 302, at 4. 930 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 10. 931 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 7. 932 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 7. 933 FS00015 (5/4/16 Text Message, Sater to Cohen). 934 FS00015 (5/4/16 Text Message, Cohen to Sater). 935 FS00016-17 (5/5/16 Text Messages, Sater & Cohen). 936 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 7. 937 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 7. 938 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 7-8. 939 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 8. 940 Cohen 3/19/19 302, at 2. 941 Cohen 3/19/19 302, at 2. Cohen could not recall the precise timing of this conversation, but said he thought it occurred in June or July 2016. Cohen recalled that the conversation happened at some point after candidate Trump was publicly stating that he had nothing to do with Russia. Cohen 3/19/19 302, at 2. 942 Cohen 3/19/19 302, at 2. 943 Cohen 3/19/19 302, at 2. 944 Cohen 11/20/18 302, at l; Cohen 9/18/18 302, at 3, 5; Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 9. 945 Cohen 9/18/18 302, at 1-2; see also Rtskhiladze 4/4/18 302, at 8-9. 946 Cohen 9/18/18 302, at 1-2. 947 Cohen 9/18/18 302, at 3.