832 See Priebus 1/18/17 302, at 9-10 (the President asked Priebus to contact Flynn the week he was terminated to convey that the President still cared about him and felt bad about what happened to him; Priebus thought the President did not want Flynn to have a problem with him); McFarland 12/22/17 302, at 18 (about a month or two after Flynn was terminated, the President asked McFarland to get in touch with Flynn and tell him that he was a good guy, he should stay strong, and the President felt bad for him); Flynn 1/19/18 302, at 9 (recalling the call from Priebus and an additional call from Hicks who said she wanted to relay on behalf of the President that the President hoped Flynn was okay); Christie 2/13/19 302, at 3 (describing a phone conversation between Kushner and Flynn the day after Flynn was fired where Kushner said, “You know the President respects you. The President cares about you. I’ll get the President to send out a positive tweet about you later,” and the President nodded his assent to Kushner’s comment promising a tweet). 833 Counsel for Flynn 3/1/18 302, at 1. 834 Counsel for Flynn 3/1/18 302, at I. 835 11/22/17 Voicemail Transcript, President’s Personal Counsel to Counsel for Michael Flynn. 836 Counsel for Flynn 3/1/18 302, at 1. 837 Counsel for Flynn 3/1/18 302, at 1. 838 Counsel for Flynn 3/1/18 302, at 1. 839 Counsel for Flynn 3/1/18 302, at 2. Because of attorney-client privilege issues, we did not seek to interview the President’s personal counsel about the extent to which he discussed his statements to Flynn’s attorneys with the President. 840 Counsel for Flynn 3/1/18 302, at 2. 841 Information, United States v. Michael T. Flynn, 1:17-cr-232 (D.D.C. Dec. 1, 2017), Doc. 1; Plea Agreement, United States v. Michael T Flynn, 1:17-cr-232 (D.D.C. Dec. 1, 2017), Doc. 3. 842 President Trump Remarks on Tax Reform and Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea, C-SPAN (Dec. 2, 2017). 843 President Trump Remarks on Tax Reform and Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea, C-SPAN (Dec. 2, 2017). 844 See @realDonaldTrump 12/2/17 (9:06 p.m. ET) Tweet (“So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton, on that now famous FBl holiday ‘interrogation’ with no swearing in and no recording, lies many times . . . and nothing happens to her? Rigged system, or just a double standard?”); President Trump Departure Remarks, C-SPAN (Dec. 4, 2017) (“Well, I feel badly for General Flynn. I feel very badly. He’s led a very strong life. And I feel very badly.”). 845 President Trump White House Departure, C-SPAN (Dec. 15, 2017). 846 Indictment, United States v. Paul J. Manafort, Jr. and Richard W. Gates III, 1:17-cr-201 (D.D.C. Oct, 27, 2017), Doc. 13 (“Manafort and Gates D.D.C. Indictment”); Indictment, United States v. Paul J.