Cohen & Sater). 362 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 5. 363 On December 21, 2015, Sater sent Cohen a text message (IAEN) that read, “They need a copy of DJT passport,” to which Cohen responded, “After I return from Moscow with you with a date for him.” FS00004 (12/21/15 Text Messages, Cohen & Sater). 364 FS00014 (4/20/16 Text Message, Sater to Cohen (9:06 p.m.)). 365 FS00015 (5/4/16 Text Message, Sater to Cohen (7:38 p.m.)). 366 FS00015 (5/4/16 Text Message, Cohen to Sater (8:03 p.m.)). 367 Sater 12/15/17 302, at 4. 368 FS00016 (5/5/16 Text Messages, Sater to Cohen (6:26 & 6:27 a.m.)). 369 FS00016 (5/6/16 Text Messages, Cohen & Sater). 370 FS00018 (6/9/16 Text Messages, Sater & Cohen). 371 6/13/16 Email, Sater to Cohen (2:10 p.m.). 372 FS00018 (6/13/16 Text Message, Sater to Cohen (2:20 p.m.)); 6/13/16 Email, Sater to Cohen. 373 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 6-8. 374 FS00019 (6/14/16 Text Messages, Cohen & Sater (12:06 and 2:50 p.m.)). 375 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 2. 376 Cohen 9/12/18 302, at 7. 377 12/21/15 Email, Mira to Ivanka Trump (6:57 a.m.) (attachments); TRUMPORG_16_000057 (1/7/16 Email, I. Trump to Graff (9:18 a.m.)). 378 1/14/16 Email, Graff to Mira. 379 1/15/16 Email, Mira to Graff. 380 As explained in Volume II and Appendix C, on September 17, 2018, the Office sent written questions to the President’s counsel. On November 20, 2018, the President provided written answers to those questions through counsel. 381 Written Responses of Donald J. Trump (Nov. 20, 2018), at 17 (Response to Question IV, Part (e)) (“[D]ocuments show that Ms. Graff prepared for my signature a brief response declining the invitation.”). 382 Written Responses of Donald J. Trump (Nov. 20, 2018), at 17 (Response to Question IV, Part (e)); see also TRUMPORG_16_000134 (unsigned letter dated March 31, 2016).