Case 1:17-cr-00201-ABJ Document 190-1 Filed 02/22/18 Page 25 of 37 39. Having failed to secure a falsified P&L from the bookkeeper, GATES falsified the P&L. GATES wrote to MANAFORT and another conspirator, “I am editing Paul’s 2015 P&L statement.” GATES then sent the altered P&L to Lender C, which claimed approximately $4.45 million in net income, whereas the true P&L had less than $400,000 in net income. D. The Loan From Lender B On The Union Street Property 40. In March 2016, MANAFORT, with the assistance of GATES and others, applied for a $5.5 million loan from Lender B on the Union Street property. As part of the loan process, MANAFORT submitted a false statement of assets and liabilities that hid his prior loan from Lender A on the Union Street property, among other liabilities. In addition, another conspirator on MANAFORT’s behalf submitted a falsified 2016 DMI P&L. The falsified 2016 DMI P&L overstated DMI’s income by more than $2 million, which was the amount that Lender B told MANAFORT he needed to qualify for the loan. When the document was first submitted to Lender B, a conspirator working at Lender B replied: “Looks Dr’d. Can’t someone just do a clean excel doc and pdf to me??” A subsequent version was submitted to the bank. E. The Loans From Lender D On The Bridgehampton And Union Street Properties 41. In 2016, MANAFORT sought a mortgage on property in Bridgehampton, New York from a financial institution. In connection with his application, MANAFORT falsely represented to the bank that DMI would be receiving $2.4 million in income later in the year for work on a “democratic development consulting project.” To support this representation, GATES, on MANAFORT’s behalf, provided the bank with a fake invoice for $2.4 million, directed “To Whom It May Concern,” for “[s]ervices rendered per the consultancy agreement pertaining to the parliamentary elections.” The bank, unwilling to rely on the invoice to support MANAFORT’s stated 2016 income, requested additional information. The bank was unable to obtain satisfactory 25