James Comey Memos
SECRET//N6F8RN 1 said, tne Russians allegedly had tapes involving him and prostitutes at the Presidential Suite at the Ritz Carlton in r.Aoscow from about 2013. He interjected, "there were no prostitutes; ,there were never prostitutes." He then said something about him being the kind of guy who didn't need to "go there" and laughed !which I understood to be communicating that he didn't need to pay for sex). He said "2013" to himself, as If trying to remember that period of time, but didn't add anything. He said he always assumed that hotel rooms he stayed in when he travels are

eezqFIBEiq'fiAD;' /HOF61t!J At about this point, he turned to what he called the "golden showers thing" and recounted much ofwhat he had said previously on that topic. He repeated that it was a complete fabrication and "fake news." I explained again why I had thought it important that he know about it. I also explained that one of the reasons we told that the media, CNN in particular, was telling us they were about to run him was with it. He said it b.othered him if his wife thought there was even a one percent 1n any respect. He said he had spoken to people who had been on chance it was true Miss Universe t;rip with him and they had reminded him that he didn't stay over the night in Russia tor (hat. He said he arrived in the morning, did events, then showered and dre!lped for the pageant at the hotel (he didn't say the hotel name) and left for the pagjeant. Afterwards, he returned only to get his things because they departed for New
ago. Apparently, .,.

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SECRET/irrJ8FORfrJ He then asked me if this was a "private conversation." I replied that it was. He then said he wanted to ask me a question and I could decide whether it was 1111&1
SECRET//tqeF6Rfd Sanders if I had recommended charging Hillary Clinton). He asked (as he had at our dinner) whether my deputy had a problem with him, and recounting how hard he l1ad been on the campaign trail, saying "the number 2 guy at the FBI took a million II MAl ·.Jt,vr llllil IIITU ·.{fill r:
UNCLASSIFIED/ /FOUO 11nd"ssitled document. I will be limited In how I describe what I said ncxtj. I then (•xplnined why
UNCLASSIFIED/ /FOUO Rybicki, James E. (DO) (FBij From: James B. Comey Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2017 12:06 PM To: Rybicki, James E. (DO) (F Bl) Subject: Call from POTUS Categorie's: D Followup Jusl called to check in and see how I'm doing. I said I'm doing great, have a lot going on. l added that Jeff Sessions has hit the ground running with a great speech on violent crime. He talked about Sessions a bit, then Said he heard I'm doing great. Hopes I take good care of myself and come by to say hello last night's speech. when I'm at WH. That's it. UNCLASSIFIED/ /FOUO

ONCLASSIFIED//FOUO Clintons and had given him money but I had said he was an honorable guy. I repeated that he (Andy) was an honorable person. He finished by stressing that he was trying to make deals for the country, the cloud was hurting him (and mentioned going to G-7 with it hanging over him), and he hoped I could find a way to get out that he wasn't being investigated. do the work well and I told him I would see what we could do and that we would as quickly as we could. 10:05; I called the Acting Attorney General and relayed the substance of the above and said I was telling him so he could decide what guidance to give me, if any. JBC UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO
C6M!"II3EWfiAI:;/ /N6!"6ltM I returned tl)e president's call this morning at 8:26am EDT. We spoke for about tour ,,.